become an

emboldly ambassador

The Emboldly Ambassador Program is designed to empower driven college students and young professionals passionate about advancing workplace equality and fostering leadership among women.

This program provides participants with a unique opportunity to represent Emboldly in their communities, expand their networks, and develop professional skills while contributing to the organization's mission of closing the leadership gap for women.

Who Can Be an Ambassador?

The program is open to:

  • College Students: Juniors and seniors involved in campus organizations, leadership programs, or community initiatives. Emphasis on juniors starting internships and seniors preparing to enter the workforce full-time. 

  • Young Professionals: Early-career individuals (0-3 years of work experience) who are active in professional networks, alumni associations, or women-focused initiatives inside and outside of their companies.

Ideal candidates are:

  • Passionate about Emboldly’s mission to empower women in leadership.

  • Well-connected within their communities or professional networks.

  • Skilled communicators with an active social media presence.

what are ambassador responsibilities?

Community Outreach: Share Emboldly’s mission, events, and opportunities with student organizations, alumni networks, and other professional circles.

Liaise Programming: Act as a liaison in organizing workshops to progress women's advancement in your workplaces and professional organizations with Emboldly’s support.

Social Media Engagement: Post about Emboldly programs and events on personal accounts (Instagram, LinkedIn, TikTok, etc.) at least twice a month.

What will you get from the Ambassador program?

As an Emboldly Ambassador, you will gain access to exclusive benefits designed to accelerate your career:

  • Career Coaching Session: One-on-one personalized career guidance

  • Networking Opportunities: Access to Emboldly’s team and network, which includes professionals from McKinsey, Goldman Sachs, and Disney

  • Resume Review: Professional critique and suggestions for improvement

  • Interview Preparation: Personalized tips and mock interview sessions

  • Event Invitations: Priority access to Emboldly workshops, panels, and events

  • Professional Bootcamp: Top performing ambassadors invited to a week long virtual bootcamp detailing early career recruiting, return offer processes, post grad life, and networking basics for those new to the workforce.

Program duration & Timeline

Duration: Ambassadors serve a 6-month term with the opportunity for renewal

Timeline for spring cohort

  • Monday, 01/13: Applications open

  • Friday, 01/24: Applications close

  • Monday, 1/27: Decisions released & cohort start